

ECS provides tailored orders from an extensive assortment to satisfy all Cruise and Ship companies needs, thanks to our modern warehouses and timely delivery.

Our facilities are designed and developed to optimize the handling of the largest fresh and frozen assortment in order to ensure the respect of the cold chain.

ECS takes care of all documentation and certification thanks to our constantly updated know-how of customs, transportation and veterinary regulations.

Our warehouses are located in Italy (Civitavecchia, Vercelli and Venice), Belgium (Zeebrugge), Germany (Bremenhaven and Stuttgart), Bulgaria (Plovdiv) and Spain (Barcelona).

We provide fully bonded warehousing, as well as multi-temperature storage and onward transportation in line with EU requirement of Bonded warehouse and Border veterinary controlled as approved customs warehouses and warehouses in free zones and ship suppliers for the handling of products not conforming to EC rules (Article 12 and 13 of Council Directive 97/78/EC) per art 12/13: https://ec.europa.eu/food/animals/vet-border-control/warehouses-ship-suppliers_en